WebTechy – Single most important subscription service your organization need

Single Magic Pill For All Your Website Problems…

WebTechy helps businesses with all their website development & maintenances/ upgrades, premium service at low cost subscription model.

WebTechy's Expert Website Development

WebTechy’s website development service focuses on creating stunning and functional websites

WebTechy Seamless Maintenance

We emphasize taking the burden of website maintenance off your shoulders

WebTechy's Subscription Simplicity

We highlight our subscription service as a hassle-free way to manage your website costs

WebTechy Buy Credits, Not Hourly Rate

“Buy Credits, Not Hourly Rates” system offers a unique approach to website development costs compared to traditional agency models

WebTechy: Total Transparency, No Hidden Fees

“Total Transparency, No Hidden Fees” is our commitment to clear and upfront pricing for all our website development services

WebTechy: Ad-hoc Solutions for Busy Schedules

WebTechy understands the challenges of a busy schedule. That’s why we offer an ad-hoc approach to web development

WebTechy’s Expert Website Development

WebTechy’s website development service focuses on creating stunning and functional websites that cater to your specific needs. Here’s a deeper dive into what our expert development entails:

  • Skilled Team: At WebTechy, we boast a team of experienced developers who understand the technical aspects of website creation. This ensures that your website is built with the latest technologies and best practices.
  • Brand Reflection: We don’t just build websites; we craft them to reflect your brand identity. This includes understanding your brand message, target audience, and desired visual style. We’ll translate that into a website design that resonates with your visitors.
  • Target Audience Focus: Our development goes beyond aesthetics. We consider how your target audience interacts with websites and design the user experience (UX) accordingly. This means creating a website that’s easy to navigate, find information on, and ultimately achieve your business goals (e.g., making purchases, scheduling appointments).
  • Functionality: A beautiful website is great, but it needs to function flawlessly as well. Our developers ensure your website has the features you need to operate your business online. This could include things like:
    • E-commerce functionality for online stores
    • Online appointment booking systems
    • Contact forms
    • User accounts and logins
    • Content management systems (CMS) for easy updates
  • Responsiveness: In today’s mobile-first world, your website needs to look good and function well on all devices (desktops, tablets, smartphones). We build responsive websites that adapt to different screen sizes.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): While not directly mentioned, a well-developed website often incorporates SEO best practices to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can potentially lead to more organic traffic to your website.

WebTechy Seamless Maintenance

At WebTechy, we emphasize taking the burden of website maintenance off your shoulders. Here’s what our “seamless maintenance” entails:

  • Security Updates: Websites are constantly under threat from hackers and malware. Our team handles installing and maintaining security patches for your website’s software and plugins, keeping it protected from vulnerabilities.
  • Software Updates: Website platforms and plugins are regularly updated with new features and bug fixes. We ensure your website uses the latest stable versions to benefit from improvements and maintain compatibility.
  • Performance Monitoring: We monitor your website’s performance metrics, such as loading speed and uptime. If any issues arise, we work swiftly to resolve them and keep your website running smoothly.
  • Backups: Regular backups are crucial in case of website crashes or data loss. We handle creating and storing backups of your website data, allowing for easy restoration if needed.
  • Content Management System (CMS) Updates: If your website uses a CMS, we keep it updated to the latest secure version and ensure its smooth functioning.
  • Broken Link Repair: Over time, links on your website might break due to changes on other websites. We identify and fix broken links to maintain a positive user experience.
  • Monitoring & Reporting: We offer reports on your website’s traffic, performance metrics, and security health. This data helps you understand your website’s effectiveness and make informed decisions.

Technical Support: We provide technical support to answer your questions and troubleshoot any website issues that may arise.

WebTechy’s Subscription Simplicity

At WebTechy, we highlight our subscription service as a hassle-free way to manage your website costs. Here’s a breakdown of what “Subscription Simplicity” means:

  • Predictable Costs: No inhouse or remote hiring needed, not even hourly billing or project-based costs, you’ll pay what you get costs. This provides peace of mind with a clear budget for your website expenses.
  • No Hidden Charges: Unlike some agencies that might add unexpected fees, our subscription covers everything included in the plan, with no additional costs sneaking up on you.
  • Transparent Pricing: We offer different subscription tiers which are suitable and flexable for customers with different needs with varying features and functionalities. These tiers are clearly outlined with their respective pricing, allowing you to choose the plan that best suits your needs and budget.
  • Easy Budgeting: Knowing exactly how much your website will cost each month simplifies budgeting for your business. This allows you to allocate resources effectively towards other areas of your business.
  • Reduced Risk of Budget Overruns: Subscription pricing eliminates the worry of surprise invoices that can exceed your expectations.
  • Improved Cash Flow Management: With a fixed monthly cost, you can plan your finances more effectively and avoid cash flow disruptions.
  • Simplified Accounting: Subscription billing simplifies record-keeping as you’ll have one predictable expense for your website.

WebTechy Buy Credits, Not Hourly Rate

  • Groundbreaking Web Techy’s credit system is designed to benefit the customers

At WebTechy, our “Buy Credits, Not Hourly Rates” system offers a unique approach to website development costs compared to traditional agency models. Here’s how it works:

  • Traditional Hourly Billing:
    • Unpredictable: Agencies often charge by the hour for development work, making the final cost difficult to estimate upfront and leading to potential budget overruns.
    • Time-Consuming: Tracking billable hours can be tedious for both the agency and the client.
  • WebTechy’s Credit System:
    • Buy Credits: Instead of hourly rates, you purchase credit packs with a set amount of credits.
    • Predefined Value: Each credit translates to a specific amount of development or design work, providing transparency into the cost per task.
    • Budget Control: Control your spending by purchasing credit packs that fit your budget.
    • Flexibility: Use credits for small tweaks or larger projects, depending on your needs.
  • Benefits of Buying Credits:
    • Cost Certainty: Know exactly how much each website change will cost upfront, eliminating surprise invoices.
    • Empowerment: Have more control over your website budget and prioritize tasks accordingly.
    • Reduced Risk of Overspending: Credits act as a pre-paid system, helping you avoid exceeding your budget unknowingly.
  • Who is this for?
    • Need Frequent Minor Changes: Ideal for startups or businesses requiring frequent small website updates (e.g., adding new products, updating banners), credits offer a cost-effective way to manage these changes.
    • Value Predictability: Businesses prioritizing predictable website costs will find the credit system appealing.

Want Freedom to Choose: The option to use credits or traditional project-based services for larger projects provides flexibility.

WebTechy: Total Transparency, No Hidden Fees

At WebTechy, “Total Transparency, No Hidden Fees” is our commitment to clear and upfront pricing for all our website development services. Here’s a deeper explanation:

  • Clear Cost Breakdown: We outline our pricing structure clearly, whether it’s through subscription plans with listed features or a credit system with defined credit values. This allows you to understand exactly what you’re paying for before committing.
  • No Surprise Invoices: Unlike some agencies that might add unexpected charges for minor changes or exceed initial estimates, we emphasize that there won’t be any hidden fees on top of the agreed-upon price.
  • Upfront Cost Knowledge: When requesting website development or design work (through subscriptions or credits), you’ll be informed of the exact cost before the work begins. This allows you to make informed decisions about your website budget.
  • Benefits of Total Transparency:
    • Improved Budgeting: With clear pricing, you can effectively allocate your website development budget and avoid financial surprises.
    • Trust and Confidence: Knowing exactly what to expect fosters trust and builds confidence in your relationship with WebTechy.
    • Easier Project Management: Clear cost breakdowns simplify project management, allowing you to stay on track with your budget and project scope.
  • Potential Implications:
    • Competitive Advantage: By offering transparent pricing, we position ourselves favorably compared to agencies with less clear cost structures.
    • Reduced Client Friction: Eliminating hidden fees minimizes misunderstandings and frustrations between us and our clients.

WebTechy: Ad-hoc Solutions for Busy Schedules

Fit Development into Your Busy Life:

In today’s fast-paced world, developers wear many hats and juggle countless tasks. WebTechy understands the challenges of a busy schedule. That’s why we offer an ad-hoc approach to web development, empowering you to:

  • Work When You Can: No rigid structures. WebTechy’s flexible toolkit allows you to seamlessly integrate development tasks into your existing workflow, whenever you have a spare moment.
  • Quick Wins, Big Impact: Need to implement a small change or fix a bug quickly? WebTechy’s modular solutions let you address immediate needs without getting bogged down in lengthy development cycles.
  • Prioritize on the Fly: Things change fast. With WebTechy, you can adapt your development approach as needed. Focus on the most pressing tasks and prioritize features according to your evolving deadlines.

WebTechy: Powerful Tools for Agile Development:

  • Pre-Built Components: Save time and effort by leveraging WebTechy’s library of pre-built components and functionalities.
  • Simplified Integration: Focus on crafting unique features, not wrestling with complex integration issues. WebTechy’s streamlined architecture ensures components work seamlessly together.
  • Deployment Made Easy: Get your projects up and running quickly and efficiently with WebTechy’s intuitive deployment tools.

Everything You Always Needed But Never Was Possible, Now Available Under Single Susbcription

Hiring Professional Team Without Breaking Bank

Get expert website development without blowing your budget. WebTechy delivers pro results at a cost that won’t break the bank.

Great Website Design Thats Drives Difference

Great website design isn’t just pretty, it’s powerful. WebTechy creates stunning and user-friendly sites that convert visitors into customers.

Compelling Website Content

Words that move your audience. WebTechy crafts compelling website content that engages visitors and tells your brand story.

Continues Updates at Minimum cost

Never miss a beat. WebTechy keeps your website fresh and secure with ongoing updates at a minimal cost

Keeping your business ahead of curve

Don’t get left behind. WebTechy helps you future-proof your business with cutting-edge website solutions.

Cost-Effective Agility: Pay only for the work you need

Pay as you go, grow as you need. WebTechy’s flexible approach lets you pay only for the web development work you require.

Have Further Queries Please Connect With Our WebTechy Team